The local, affordable alternative to going away to university! We offer a range of HNDs, foundation degrees and top-up degrees, in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire, Oxford Brookes and Bath Spa University. These are taught in our dedicated HE Centres.
Student case studies
frequently asked questions
How do I apply for student finance?
Go to www.gov.uk/student-finance to start your application. The information you may require to help you complete the form should be on your offer letter. If you need assistance to complete the form please contact Cheryl Satchell: cheryl.satchell@newcollege.ac.uk
I’m self-funding, who do I need to contact?
Please speak to Heather Drewett: heather.drewtt@newcollege.ac.uk from our finance department. She will speak to you regarding payment plans and invoices.
Can I pay in instalments?
Please speak to Heather Drewett, heather.drewtt@newcollege.ac.uk from our finance department who will speak to you regarding payment plans.
What is a 3rd year top-up?
HNC, which is a Level 4 qualification, is the equivalent of the first year of a degree. HND, which is a Level 5 qualification, is the equivalent of the second year of a degree. To achieve a full honours degree, most learners progress onto University to complete a year 3 top up. Studying for the first two years at New College and then a third year at another institution, equates to the same amount of time and same end result as going to university for the full three years. Advantages of studying at New College instead of university include: smaller class sizes, access to local business and significantly lower costs.
Which universities offer a top-up year?
Most Universities offer a top-up Business course and all accept the HND as a vehicle to entry. Local universities including: Bath Spa, Gloucestershire and Cardiff offer top-ups. We have had learners progress to institutions all over the UK, from Newcastle and Birmingham, to London and Portsmouth.
still have questions?
Go to www.newcollege.ac.uk for the answers