pre 16

Our Pre-16 programme is for home-educated 14-16 year olds who will attend College to enhance their learning. Our bespoke educational packages are popular, positive and effective with students – reflecting their preference for study within a mature learning environment.

about pre 16


Carla Hitch

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Subject areas

We offer a wide range of GCSE and Foundation courses, many of which are not available in local schools. All these courses are listed in the 16-18 tab on the main navigation bar. Alternatively, just click on the area of interest below.

student case studies


frequently asked questions

Which subjects can our child study within the Pre 16 programme?

Any GCSE, Functional skills, NCFE or BTEC L1 or 2 courses that are in our prospectus are available to our Pre 16 students. Because they are embedded throughout the curriculum (i.e in classes with FE students) they have maximum opportunities within New College.

If they are mixed in with older students how do you keep them safe?

Pre 16s are highlighted to staff using an online system and also with a different coloured ID badge holder/lanyard, as a visual reminder. A thorough interview and application process ensures that places are offered to young people who are mature enough to cope within the FE environment. Our Pre 16 staff members carry out daily checks in all lessons and have a high level of contact with students. The co-ordinator is also the Pre 16 Safeguarding Officer, so any concerns are managed swiftly and effectively. The College has robust policies and procedures in place to safeguard all students.

They did not enjoy school and are worried they will not make friends…how can you help with this?

College is very different to school – students here are far more mature, teacher and student relationships are respectful and as a result our students tend to feel more confident and comfortable. We hold exclusive pre 16 tutor group sessions each week and a 2 hour social enrichment session; this helps us to facilitate our young people in making friendships. However, some young people prefer to just come to college for the lessons and do not wish to socialise; that is fine – there is no pressure from Pre 16, just supportive opportunities.

What will their timetable look like?

I’m afraid we cannot say until the start of term. However, be aware that each GCSE tends to be 4 hours a week, whilst BTEC courses are significantly more. Lessons start no earlier than 9am and the latest possible finish is 5pm.

I am worried about the cost of travel, and travel routes…can college help with this?

New College is unable to support financial costs; as EHE families the Local Authority do not have a responsibility to support travel costs. You can find information regarding local travel routes on the College website here. We strongly suggest that you practise the journey with your child if this is quite a distance or they are not used to travelling independently. If you are coming from further afield and know other Pre 16 who are joining College, then please do let the team know and we will try to co-ordinate their timetables so that they can travel together if this is your preference.

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