College Life

Find out about our student life support systems: pastoral care, additional learning support and university and careers advice. Discover our array of enrichment opportunities and how you can become involved!

about college life

College or Sixth Form? Student Point of View


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Student Services

Thom Young

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Jo Saunders

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Work Experience and Employability

Julia Hoskins

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Work Experience and Employability

Julia Hoskins

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Sharon O’Connor

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Student Governor and Student Body Testimonial

Harper Linton (Student)

Student Taskforce Overview

Adrianna Wolczuk (Student)

Guide to College


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Additional (Learning) Support


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Student case studies


frequently asked questions

Will I automatically receive support in class when I start college?

The Additional Support team will always do the best they can to meet your identified needs, this may be with in-class support or assistive technology; you will receive training in how to use any recommended software/hardware. For those students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) we would hope to mirror as much as possible the support you had at school, but this will be different as you move through the stages of education. For all other students, we would follow the information provided from your Diagnostic Interview with a Learning Support Tutor (LST). If you think you need support and are not receiving it we would always recommend that you come to talk to us in the Skills Development Centre (BG06) or contact

I don’t want someone sitting next to me. Can I still have support in class?

We want you to build your independence and understand that you may not want someone sitting next to you. It is rare for you to be the only student within a class that has an identified need, so LSAs will give you time to work on your own before checking in with you and other members of the class. If you need notes from a lesson they will be emailed to you after lesson or shared with you on OneNote (Office 365).

What support can be provided in my lessons?

If appropriate, we encourage students to use assistive technology to support independent learning; this will be discussed with you at your Diagnostic Interview. LSAs can provide a range of services for students; it all depends on what works for the individual. LSAs offer support in note taking, breaking down tasks and organising workloads and schedules.

Can I get support from LSAs outside of class?

We are able to offer some 1:1 study skills sessions which can be used to plan work, help you organise your work and complete tasks. These can be arranged once you have settled into college, should you feel you need this support. The Skills Development Centre (BG06) offer drop-in study support sessions from 12pm until 2pm each weekday – we encourage students to make use of these workshops.

What evidence do I require to prove my child has had exam arrangements at school?

They will need a signed copy of their Form 8

I am feeling anxious about starting College, do you have any advice?

The COVID pandemic has increased the anxiety of many students and we are here to provide support and reassurance to them. We also run an annual Transition project in August for those students who need support in moving from school to College. To find out more please email or call us: 07503 655221

How is the College operating during the COVID-19 pandemic?

From September 2020, we have been offering a Week A/B teaching model. Half of the students are physically in College one week and the other half follow the timetable remotely, logging in to access a live stream of the lessons. In Week B, the students swap over. This has been working very well and ensuring that we can keep students as safe as possible.

We have many social distancing procedures in place. Students are required to wear face coverings (unless exempt) in corridors and all public places across College; they access the site via specific entrances to limit crowding at key times; we have installed more hand sanitisation points, there are one way systems in place in certain areas and there is both floor signage and signage at eye level. Classrooms and teaching areas are also set up according to social distancing guidelines.

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